My Genealogy
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Genealogy 101

Several years ago, a cousin of mine gave me a single typewritten page listing three or four generations of relatives of ours. Over time, I expanded this page of information into a rather extensive genealogical collection which now contains about 1600 names.

My research sources included genealogical library collections, the National Archives in Washington, family members, and old diaries, pictures, and letters. I used paper forms provided by the Church of Latter Day Saints, an organization well known for their interest in genealogy. The data I had collected, although fairly well organized, was voluminous and difficult to search.

A few years ago, I had an occasion to visit my son who was working for IBM, and he asked me when I was going to get a computer. I had not until that time felt a need for a computer, but my son told me I’d be able to put all my genealogical data on a computer in some organized form. He also told me he could get a 50% discount on an IBM computer. I told him I’d think it over.

I returned home, checked with a genealogical library, and they told me of a computer program called Personal Ancestral File (PAF) that was available. Shortly thereafter, I called my son and told him to send me a computer.

While waiting for the computer to arrive, I took some basic computer courses in a community college. When I got the computer, I loaded the PAF program and started to put my genealogical data into the program. Because of the volume of data I thought it would take me about a year. It took me two weeks.

I invite you to check out  my ancestors and descendants at the top of this page by clicking on the Family Origins link. In particular, look at the notes for my progenitors William Weston and Humphrey Tiffany... Very interesting!